When God was opening doors for ministry possibilities, He introduced me to Joe and Jen Butler, founders of Ability Tree. Over the next 12 months God paved the way for our ministry to partner with theirs during Ability Camp, designed for adults 18 and up with physical and/or intellectual disabilities. As a team we had no idea what to expect and when we volunteered to do whatever was needed we were asked to oversee organized recreation and special activities. Organized recreation seemed pretty straight forward, but what was involved in special activities? Come to find out we were in charge of “FUN”. God had placed us exactly where our team was gifted. Between a campfire and s’mores, bingo night, a talent show, Olympic themed party and a movie night, we provided the atmosphere for these special campers to experience the freedom to enjoy a week of activities, social interaction, and the opportunity to connect with God. Check out the videos posted on Vimeo Ability Tree to see more of what took place that week as we spent time with each other and with Jesus.
Week long day camps
“Good and right and true, whoo” were words that became the mantra for “Lord Wars” camp in Clear Spring. As we unpacked the verse for the week, Ephesians 5:8-9.
For though your hearts were once full of darkness, now you are full of the light from the Lord, and your behavior should show it. For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true
It became very apparent that God had cleverly given the campers a unique way to remember His word to them. At random times of the day, during meals, in the middle of recreation, at the pool, during sessions and as part of the opening and closing sessions for the day, hearing kids chant “good and right and true, whoo” became the norm instead of the unexpected.
Seeing kids being exposed to the light of God’s Word and having truth revealed to them each day gave hope in a future generation that would flee from the darkness and cling to the light of Jesus Christ as they developed in their relationship with Him. These weeks truly exposed what was “good and right and true, whoo”.
The Results are In
God values us more than we can measure
The busyness of the summer schedule has passed but God doesn’t recognize seasons so we are taking another breath as God continues to move our ministry forward. This summer has been one of joy, excitement, growth and challenges but through it all God has been moving in a mighty way. Following 5 week long camps, 5 weeks of preparation, 2850 miles on the road, a monetary investment in the kingdom of $8875 to cover camp registration fees, supplies, travel, meals and lodging, our team of 4 summer students and myself ended the summer and are excited to share that we were part of celebrating 50 salvations, 25 water baptisms, 25 Holy Spirit baptisms and numerous life changing moments. The investment for our team of 5 to be part of God changing 50 lives for eternity and impacting over 500 other lives in immeasurable ways was minuscule compared to what God did.
In a feeble attempt to compile all that happened over the summer, let me give you some of the highlights. The biggest change for our ministry this year is that God provided us with 4 college students for the entire summer. They labored, planned, played, spent endless hours creating set designs and preparing for ministry. It was a joy to see them moving in their giftedness as they served the Lord with excitement and enthusiasm. If you didn’t catch the student’s posts a few months ago, take some time to read them and gain a better understanding of the diversity that God provided through them as individuals and then how he used each of them as part of the iRock team. Post from Caleb, Garth Pt1 & Pt2, Jake and a video created by Tanner.
Our team was instrumental in 2 week long day camps, both launched through our ministry, we were also part of staff at district camp and Camp Wild an inner city camp, and led recreation/special activities for Ability Tree camp. Each camp very different but highly valued by God as He worked in individual lives.
Ability Tree Camp was our newest addition to the summer schedule and was perhaps our greatest surprise as we watched how God used campers and staff alike to change perspective, gain clarity and truly experience Godly love. We have been invited back again next year to continue the work God has called us to at that special needs camp.
As we continue to move where God is leading, I’d like to ask that you pray with us as we plan and make preparations for the upcoming months. God is on the move and we are moving alongside as He guides each step we take with iRock Ministries.
A Stone of iRock – Part 2
It was such a full summer, it became necessary to break this post in to two parts. Here you can find A Stone of iRock – Part 1 if you missed that earlier.
The following week the team moved a little north to Refreshing Mountain in Stevens, Pennsylvania to work at Ability Tree. We took on the organized recreational activities of the camp. The theme was Olympic Victory, and it was gold for sure. The greatest moment of the week was at the end. A camper with Cerebral Palsy asked me what was my take away from the week. With her genuine question I started to tear up a bit. I responded by saying that the diversity of campers and staff was a testimony to the greatness of God we serve. The unity in such diversity at so many levels I truly feel brings the most glory to the Lord of Host.
She shared that in her personal life “No,” is not an answer she will accept at any level. Along with her genuine heart and amazing talent of writing songs and music; other campers’ giftings stood out as well. They had this ability to push us as staff to go outside of our own comforts. Helping us understand that we need to engage with the world around us even when we are different. We should find the simple ordinary things in life to be excited about. Most of all the campers at Ability Tree taught us to smile and laugh. That without those two things you cannot truly enjoy life.
Coming to the end of the summer I am super happy to have been part of it all. A bit of a side note; if you are reading this and have even the slightest thought of being a student team member you should shoot Terry an email. It is a great opportunity to see the hand of God at work in people’s lives. It is truly missionary work and the work of a missionary is never done until they go home to meet their Master. So please continue to pray for iRock Ministries and thanks for letting me share my experience with you.
May the blessings and the peace of Christ be with you all!
Golden Guns
Big muscles. That is what Jacob Ernst thought he had until this summer. When Jake decided to join iRock for 11 weeks he had no clue how much work, and fun it would be. Growing up on a farm, Jake knew what it was like to work hard but having 3 other brothers he also knew what it was like to play hard. Both attributes were needed for a summer of ministry.
Q: Jake, what did you hope to experience this summer as a team member?
A: I wanted to have a better understanding of what it looked like to be in ministry and to serve as a missionary and I never realized how much planning and preparing it took to pull off so many different areas of ministry. It was a lot more work than I had imagined.
Q: So Jake, what is one thing that you will remember about your summer as student team member?
A: The amount of fun with had with the kids. An experience that stood out to me this summer was “Golden Guns” at Potomac Kids Camp. We spray painted water guns gold and turned them into trophies that the campers could win by doing various activities. When Terry was explaining the golden gun trophies to the whole camp, Tanner and I ran up front and said that these were the true golden guns (we flexed our biceps, traps, triceps, etc.). From that point on, campers would randomly chant “Golden Guns” throughout the camp and we would yell out “Golden Guns” and flex. As a result of our goofiness, “Golden Guns” turned into something spontaneous but extremely fun. “Golden Guns” will definitely be one thing I remember from this summer.
Q: How would you describe your experience as a student team member with iRock Ministries?
A: Good. Fun. Cool. Okay. Honestly, I don’t know that I could fully describe what God did in the 11 weeks I served with iRock Ministries.
Jake, you have been a blessing to the ministry, myself and the many kids you impacted this summer. You came with few expectations but left with an abundance of life experiences, friendships and the knowledge of how God uses people in many different ways to build His kingdom.
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