Summer fun is right around the corner and we are praying for students, entering or currently attending college, that would like to spend a summer serving the Lord while ministering to children.
As students are constantly bombarded with the distractions of life, it becomes even more important that they take the time necessary to solidify their relationship with Jesus before entering a crazy world. The summer will also allow opportunity to spend quality time with Jesus, develop relationships with other students and engage them in serving the Lord so that they can discover the joy of walking out their faith.
Over the summer we will be involved in kids camps, an adult special needs camp and possibly one out of state mission trip. In between camps we will be developing, designing, creating and praying for each planned camp or trip to share the love and forgiveness of Jesus with others so that together we can be part of kingdom growth
We are currently seeking students for Summer 2020. Only 2 slots available!! Apply NOW!
If you would like to be part of our team over the summer I would love to talk with you. Complete Team Member Application Step 1 of our online form so that I can contact you and we can take a look at what a summer might look like for you.
Need some convincing that this opportunity is for you? Hear directly from past students themselves and how the summer impacted their lives.
Some Background on how students became involved on the team
God started us off slowly with a Valley Forge senior that needed an internship for the semester to fulfill graduation requirements. She was instrumental in helping to develop the Adventure Camp we now offer.
That quickly led to our first summer students which was nothing short of an adventure. God has been providing just the right amount and the right students since then. Take some time and read more about the students that jokingly refer to themselves as my guinea pigs.
Thanks to Tanner Whetzel for creating this recap of the what a summer of student involvement might look like.
Internship from Terry Williams on Vimeo.