It was such a full summer, it became necessary to break this post in to two parts. Here you can find A Stone of iRock – Part 1 if you missed that earlier.
The following week the team moved a little north to Refreshing Mountain in Stevens, Pennsylvania to work at Ability Tree. We took on the organized recreational activities of the camp. The theme was Olympic Victory, and it was gold for sure. The greatest moment of the week was at the end. A camper with Cerebral Palsy asked me what was my take away from the week. With her genuine question I started to tear up a bit. I responded by saying that the diversity of campers and staff was a testimony to the greatness of God we serve. The unity in such diversity at so many levels I truly feel brings the most glory to the Lord of Host.
She shared that in her personal life “No,” is not an answer she will accept at any level. Along with her genuine heart and amazing talent of writing songs and music; other campers’ giftings stood out as well. They had this ability to push us as staff to go outside of our own comforts. Helping us understand that we need to engage with the world around us even when we are different. We should find the simple ordinary things in life to be excited about. Most of all the campers at Ability Tree taught us to smile and laugh. That without those two things you cannot truly enjoy life.
Coming to the end of the summer I am super happy to have been part of it all. A bit of a side note; if you are reading this and have even the slightest thought of being a student team member you should shoot Terry an email. It is a great opportunity to see the hand of God at work in people’s lives. It is truly missionary work and the work of a missionary is never done until they go home to meet their Master. So please continue to pray for iRock Ministries and thanks for letting me share my experience with you.
May the blessings and the peace of Christ be with you all!