My travels take me to many different locations, different size churches and different levels of commitment to reaching children. God has blessed me with a work that allows me to provide help regardless of the venue. One such place that has touched my heart is Warrenton AG with Pastor Hurley and Bonnie Shortt. They are such an inspiration and source of encouragement as I watch them speak into the lives of their congregation. They touch young and old as they exemplify what it means to live as Christ.
During my initial visit I met the team that would step out of comfort zones and make strides in reaching the children in their community for Christ. During our session I had the opportunity to share the sheer joy of reaching children using different methods and approaches. Regardless of the technique used, I impressed on them that the most effective way to teach children is simply through love. This team, though small, have a genuine desire to reach children with the message of Jesus’ love and forgiveness and I’m looking forward to seeing what God does in and through each of them.
Following the session, the leaders were invited to observe as I demonstrated various methods of teaching during the kids service. Though the group was small their willingness to participate was encouraging and exciting. They were engaged in the service as I taught about the importance of sharing their specific gifts and talents with those that need to hear about Jesus. What sweet spirits. Although my methods of sharing the lesson were different than what they were accustomed to they adapted and entered into the service with excitement and enthusiasm.
Kids enjoy the unexpected and being asked to participate in the activities as much as the teacher enjoys seeing their kids engaged in the message.
I’d like to thank all of you who serve and give of your time and enthusiams as you touch the lives of children for eternity.
2Cor. 8:17 For Titus not only welcomed our appeal, but he is coming to you with much enthusiasm and on his own initiative.