As I encouraged a group of children’s ministry volunteers at Mt Calvary in Morgantown WV the one thing that I wanted them to hear and believe is that they are valued and their ministry is vital to building the kingdom of God. I shared the following, ‚ÄúA student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.‚Äù
This is not some profound statement from a teaching manual, seminar or workshop for teachers, this is a statement that Jesus himself made in Luke 6:40
Jesus needed his disciples to help him, to learn from him, and to eventually become the leaders after he had gone away. Jesus also says in Matt. 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
We are doing what Jesus himself did on earth. How awesome is that?
There are people all over the world that have a passion for reaching children with Jesus’s love and forgiveness. They may use different methods, curriculum and approaches but their desire to teach so that students will learn is the same.
You may not see immediate results and you many not see your impact until you get to heaven, but be encouraged that you are making a difference.
One Young Boy
Edward Kimball, a shoe clerk and a Sunday school teacher in Chicago, loved boys. He spent hours of his free time visiting the young street urchins in Chicago’s inner city, trying to win them for Christ. Through him, a young boy named D.L. Moody got saved in 1858. Moody grew up to be a preacher.
In 1879 Moody won to the Lord a young man by the name of F.B. Meyer, who also grew up to be a preacher. An avid enthusiast of personal visitation, Meyer won a young man by the name of J.W. Chapman to Christ. Chapman, in turn, grew up to be a preacher and brought the message of Christ to a baseball player named Billy Sunday. As an athlete/evangelist, Sunday held a revival in Charlotte, NC, that was so successful that another evangelist by the name of Mordecai Hamm was invited to Charlotte to preach. It was while Hamm was preaching that a teenager named Billy Graham gave his life to Jesus.
It all started with the winning of a child to Jesus. We may not all be a D.L. Moody, Billy Sunday or Billy Graham, but we can all be instrumental in beginning that process in the life of someone who will be.