With the help of ‘No Limitz’ youth group from 1st AG in Harrisonburg Virginia, three years of community prayer by local leaders and pastors in Keyser, months of preparation, and hundreds of volunteers the seeds were planted to lead over 25 children in making personal decisions to follow Jesus. What a weekend of rejoicing in Keyser West Virginia as these children’s lives were changed for eternity.
The reward that came from the hours and hours of practice and team preparation were seen in the faces of those children. My reward was being able to help train and prepare this youth group to reap the harvest in Keyser. As a missionary to children in the United States, it’s not as much about how many children I can reach with the gospel but how many people can I empower to share the gospel with children. Only then will we see the multitudes come to know Jesus.
I was so blessed by the youth groups efforts and their desire to minister to the children. They put in long hours with very little free time as they prepared games, illusions, skits and music to share with the children. They remained focused on the task at hand but never lost sight of their goal; to see children give their lives to Jesus.
“Return Unto Me” was the theme of the event and together we stepped out in faith to reach the community of Keyser West Virginia. People representing different denominations and ages had come together to provide the platform for people to come and experience the message of Christ’s love.
Many thanks to Pastor John and Pastor Shawn from Keyser Assembly of God and the many other churches that made our trip so amazing and for providing our housing and food as well as facilities to prepare for the three services. It was a blessing to minister alongside of you.
May Keyser West Virginia continue to become a community committed to Jesus.