Is there hope in Psalm 130?
When you read this Psalm it’s about Israel’s unfaithfulness to God and all seems hopeless until you get to verse 30, “but Phinehas had the courage to intervene, and the plague was stopped.” (Psalm 106:30, NLT) and again the chapter turns to Israel’s unfaithfulness.
When I read this verse it didn’t appear to be a very uplifting portion of scripture. It wasn’t until I shared a lesson with the kids about pointing others to Jesus that this passage spoke to me. Verse 29 is speaking about a physical plague that came upon the Israelites because they continually turned away from God. In comparison, I see the plague today as a spiritual plague affecting millions of people who are being deceived by false gods. Both physical and spiritual plagues have the same affect on people; death! There are so many false religions and being introduced into our society today that are luring people to follow false gods.
Phineas had the courage to step in on behalf of a people who had turned from God and, because he did, the Israelites were spared physical death. We must be willing to step in on behalf of those who have been deceived and are worshiping other gods so that their lives can be spared from spiritual death.
This scripture may not be warm and fuzzy, but it’s certainly a passage that should resound in our spirit. It should challenge us in our Christian walk and encourage us to share our faith so that this plague of false gods will stop. There are millions of people who have no hope or future, but God has a plan for their lives. We were created to glorify God and to tell others about His love and forgiveness. We must have the same courage as Phinehas and step in and stop the spiritual plague that is sweeping across the world.
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? (Romans 10:14, NLT)
In all reality we are plagued with many things in our lives, but perhaps the greatest plague affecting our culture is the onset of false religions and our ineffectiveness in reaching the people that are deceived. Do we have the courage to step in and stop this plague?
1. Phinehas was so upset about the immorality of the Israelites that he felt he needed to step in. Do you have that same zeal for the Lord?
2. Although God was upset with the Israelites, Phinehas had the courage to step in on their behalf, perhaps risking his own safety. Do you have the courage to go before God on behalf of those that don’t follow Him?
3. Is your christian walk strong enough to point others to Jesus, or are you expecting someone else to witness to them?
4. To point others to Jesus, it helps to have a basic understanding of those religions that are luring people to believe in false gods so that you know how to talk with them. How much do you know about other religions so that you can steer unbelievers to the one and only true God?