God values us more than we can measure
The busyness of the summer schedule has passed but God doesn’t recognize seasons so we are taking another breath as God continues to move our ministry forward. This summer has been one of joy, excitement, growth and challenges but through it all God has been moving in a mighty way. Following 5 week long camps, 5 weeks of preparation, 2850 miles on the road, a monetary investment in the kingdom of $8875 to cover camp registration fees, supplies, travel, meals and lodging, our team of 4 summer students and myself ended the summer and are excited to share that we were part of celebrating 50 salvations, 25 water baptisms, 25 Holy Spirit baptisms and numerous life changing moments. The investment for our team of 5 to be part of God changing 50 lives for eternity and impacting over 500 other lives in immeasurable ways was minuscule compared to what God did.
In a feeble attempt to compile all that happened over the summer, let me give you some of the highlights. The biggest change for our ministry this year is that God provided us with 4 college students for the entire summer. They labored, planned, played, spent endless hours creating set designs and preparing for ministry. It was a joy to see them moving in their giftedness as they served the Lord with excitement and enthusiasm. If you didn’t catch the student’s posts a few months ago, take some time to read them and gain a better understanding of the diversity that God provided through them as individuals and then how he used each of them as part of the iRock team. Post from Caleb, Garth Pt1 & Pt2, Jake and a video created by Tanner.
Our team was instrumental in 2 week long day camps, both launched through our ministry, we were also part of staff at district camp and Camp Wild an inner city camp, and led recreation/special activities for Ability Tree camp. Each camp very different but highly valued by God as He worked in individual lives.
Ability Tree Camp was our newest addition to the summer schedule and was perhaps our greatest surprise as we watched how God used campers and staff alike to change perspective, gain clarity and truly experience Godly love. We have been invited back again next year to continue the work God has called us to at that special needs camp.
As we continue to move where God is leading, I’d like to ask that you pray with us as we plan and make preparations for the upcoming months. God is on the move and we are moving alongside as He guides each step we take with iRock Ministries.