Meandering through the marketplace and into the Holy place, children from around Wyncote PA came to experience Eurasia.
The Eurasia Experience is a cross-cultural, multi-sensory journey that brings the sights, smells and sounds of Eurasian life to your church, university or district event.
Walk into a bustling city scene. Hear and feel the commotion of a crowded bazaar. Taste the different candies and talk with people that haven’t heard about Jesus.
With the many different cultures and religions that make up the United States and the world, this weekend was an opportunity to demonstrate to children the need to share their faith in Jesus with others. God created John the Baptist to point people to Jesus. That was his primary purpose for being born. We were created for the same purpose, so that all would hear about Jesus. But according to Romans 10:14, “How can they call on him unless they believe in him? How can they believe in him unless they hear about him? How can they hear about him unless someone preaches to them?”
It is our responsibility to bring about an awareness of the need to tell others about Jesus and to educate our children in ways they can share their faith. Our children need to be aware of different cultures and religions so that they can be a light in a spiritually dark world. Our children can make a difference in the lives of others when equipped with the tools they need to share the gospel with others.
Jer. 24:7 “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.”
I so enjoyed ministering alongside Pastor Josh and his team at Calvary AG in Wyncote PA this past weekend. They served with a level of excellence that gave honor to God as they committed their time and energy in making this an experience for the kids like they have never had before. Thanks to the Experience Eurasia team for providing the tools, sights, sounds and smells that made the experience real and thanks to all who spent time in prayer that people groups around the world would come to know Jesus as their friend and savior.
Now it’s our turn to take the message into the world and reach as many people as we can with the message of Jesus’ love and forgiveness.
To see more photos of the service visit our iRock Ministries Facebook photo album entitled “Eurasia Experience for Kids”.