The crisp morning air ushered in the day as the sun rose over the mountain. Leaves of gold, crimson red, and orange colored the trees that lined the road. As I traveled I looked across the fields of pumpkins, gourds, soybean and corn. I passed through orchards filled with yellow and red apples hanging thick on the trees. The harvest is plentiful and there’s much work to be done before the weather turns cold.
That Saturday, Calvary’s annual Community Fall Festival, as I looked over the arriving crowd I saw a different type of harvest that consisted of mothers, fathers, children, friends and neighbors. It was the harvest that Jesus spoke of when He said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Jesus knew that the work was bigger than any one of us could handle. Similarly, when Jesus sent out the seventy-two to go before Him, He is also sending us. Jesus is sending us to actively bring in the harvest by telling others about Him. He also knows that we need help so Jesus is telling us to pray for others that would come along side and help. The Calvary church family made a conscious decision to do their part that day to bring in the harvest. When I was asked to deliver the salvation message to the children that day I was humbled yet excited to be part of those that Jesus had sent out. I knew that this was my opportunity to reach not only the children, but entire families with the message of Jesus’ love and forgiveness. And yes, we did see a harvest of over 30 decisions to follow Christ.
My prayer is that you will see the harvest today and make a decision to actively help bring that harvest into the presence of Jesus; keeping in mind what Jesus said later in that same chapter of Luke 10, “He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”