Take some connector links, prayer cards to add to those links, emphasize prayer in all classrooms, with all ages and you are definitely going to see God move. I had an opportunity to help coordinate the 2017 Prayer Initiative for a church in which they wanted all ages, at the same time focused on prayer. What an amazing time as I watched God touch the hearts and homes of all ages.
My involvement allowed me to develop the lesson content for the kids and their leaders while the adults and youth utilized the book “Praying with Confidence” by Jeff Leake. The kids were engaged in their services and the adults commented how the book was a valuable resource to help them develop their prayer time. Holy Spirit was truly making His way through the lives of people of all ages.
I know that prayer is the gateway to all things good since it is the open door to our relationship with God. I prayed that the people would have a renewed desire to deepen their relationship with their Creator and Lord and each week I heard testimony of that very thing happening.
Last week I received a testimony from one of the leaders that a parent shared with her that her son invited Jesus into his life and truly understood what that meant. She just wanted to say ‘thank you’ to the teachers.
God prompted one of the young adults to openly share about sin he struggled with in the past and how God has delivered him from that. He believes his testimony will help encourage others in that trap to seek God for forgiveness and restoration.
The church has seen a renewed energy and I’m confident that God will do amazing things through this fellowship of believers.