Missions Sunday at Calvary Assembly brought with it a heightened awareness of BGMC (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge) With balloons flying, Buddy Barrels and BGMC boxes on center stage, I was introduced by Pastor John and given opportunity to bring about and awareness of the importance of financially supporting BGMC.
BGMC stands for Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge and is the missions emphasis for children through the Assemblies of God
BGMC allows our missionaries to receive the supplies they need to in order to spread the gospel at home and overseas.
Missionaries can use BGMC funds for any ministry supplies that relate to evangelism or discipleship.
The majority of BGMC funds are undesignated funds so that it can get to the missionaries when they need it. There are missionaries on the field that are unable to ask for support because of the sensitive nature of their appointment. BGMC is able to help meet the needs of the missionary without revealing sensitive locations.
BGMC money has helped purchase:
• Puppets, music, and video tapes
• Tracts, Bibles, and literature
• Sound systems, computers, and copy machines
Some of the more unusual purchases have been
• kitchen appliances for a ministry that feeds hungry children
• Water wells and generators
• Bars on a church to prevent burglars from stealing materials
• And even a Yak
Since the beginning of BGMC, in 1949, kids have raised over $84,000,000 for missionaries.
Last year alone the giving total was over $6,000,000 and Potomac District gave over $220,000 toward that total
This money was raised primarily by kids, faithfully collecting coins all year long for in their buddy barrels and boxes.
Calvary Assembly has set a church goal of $5,000 and has asked the entire congregation to work together to meet this goal.
A project that we will be helping to fund are outdoor shelters in Togo Africa. Because of cost restraints, churches are often built without classroom space for kids therefore Sunday school is held outdoors under a tree. If the weather is bad they’re unable to conduct classes. Missionary Phil Malcolm set out to resolve this problem by building shelters for Sunday School.
Each shelter costs $500 and holds 100 children. Once the church building can expand to include classroom space, these shelters can be recycled to another church in need. The cost of the shelter also comes with leader training and a years worth of curriculum for the church
Calvary’s church goal could help build 10 shelters, protecting 1000 children from the elements.
I challenged Calvary to show the kids the reality of what God can do when a church works together for a common need.