In Hebrew, hevel literally refers to “vapor” or “smoke”.
I’ve recently been reading Ecclesiastes and realized that 2019 was a year of hevel. It was a year that described for me how life is temporary and fleeting, like a wisp of smoke, but also how life is an enigma or paradox. Smoke appears solid, but when you try to grab it, it’s like nothing is there. Shortly after sending my last enewsletter in October 2018 my father passed away, just 11 months after my mother. My son and his family, after 12 years of service separated from the Air Force and moved in with us 2 weeks later, I broke my ankle 3 weeks after that, and then my husbands mother passed away 2 months later. Hevel, hevel everything is literally hevel. During that time my life was engulfed with unexpected distractions and responsibilities.
From this I experienced first hand what the teacher in Ecclesiastes was describing, that life is constantly unpredictable and unstable, like “chasing the wind”.
But just as the wind shifts so did my year. My son and his family found their perfect home, my ankle healed, estate business was coming to a close and summer was my opportunity to recalibrate and focus on something that was not hevel, helping myself and others realize that what gives life true meaning is hope.

As the smoke lifted, there was hope
Summer brought with it hope. Statistically we traveled over 7,030 miles, spent countless hours in preparation, invested over $8000 in playground equipment and ministry materials, were actively engaged in ministry for over 280 hours, resulting in 52 salvations, 13 water baptisms and an immeasurable number of life changing experiences. Was all of this hevel? It certainly was not! What happened in the lives of so many people is all that matters in the end. Lives were changed and drawn closer to the love of Jesus. We tend to find meaning in all of the statistics but there is no meaning and purpose apart from God.