In October 2014, I attended a conference that gathered together Missionaries that have made the United States their mission field. During that time I met two couples from Utah who were reaching out to the mormon community. As we were talking I felt compelled to ask if they would like for me to seek God and try to bring together a team of people to come and pour some time and energy into their newly forming church. As we talked further, I discovered the enormous task God had given them. Their church is located in Utah County, the cultural hub of the Mormon religion. It is where Brigham Young University is, it’s where the Missionary Training Center is– where the Latter Day Saints church trains and sends out its 56,000 missionaries worldwide– and this is where Mormon couples come from all over the country to raise their families in a Mormon environment that underpins what they believe & what they are teaching their families.
Orem is 97% mormon and here are missionaries J.D. and Angela right in the middle. In the same way that Jesus “became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14) the Elleman’s believe that it takes more than just telling people about the love of God, it takes getting close enough to people to show them God’s love in tangible ways.
Our ministry would love to come alongside of them and show that same message of Jesus and His love through the use of MEGA Sports Camp but we need your involvement and commitment to reaching the children in Utah. We are looking for 15-20 people, ages 10+, to serve alongside the local church to coordinate and operate sports camp while building relationships with the kids.
Follow this link to take you to a page with more detail and information on how you can become part of this team. We are believing God to form the perfect team to show Jesus to this community.