I just finished reading a book “Whose Child is This” by Bill Wilson and he made a statement that resonates in my heart. He said, “We have to come to the point where we are willing to win the nation one person at a time.”
As we make plans for 2010, we desire to reach children one at a time until we see the millions come to know Jesus as their friend and Savior.
Here are a few things we are planning and would appreciate your prayers as we work out the details.
South Dakota Indian Reservation
Together with Pastor TJ at Warwick AG, we are heading to the Sioux reservation where we’ll be working with Missionaries Tim and Elaine Harris. With two teams of twenty, comprised of adults and children ages 10-15 we are planning evangelism and some hands-on projects.
Homeless Women and Children
We are praying that we can partner with Hope Alive, a Christian ministry called to embrace homeless women and their children with the life-changing love of God. They provide transitional homes and the skills they need to live self-sustaining lives filled with hope and a future. With a team we are offering our assistance with hands on projects as well as evangelism.
Ecuador Missions Trip
I am also planning to be part of a training team to Ecuador in September. Many missionaries around the world need experienced children‚Äôs leaders/workers to come and train children‚Äôs workers in their countries in skills for reaching kids. As part of the team I will be helping to equip leaders/workers in that country to be more effective in sharing the message of Christ’s love and forgiveness.
Urban Church Plant
We are also in the process of joining with a pastor of an urban church plant. We’d like to take a mission team into that community to conduct a fun day and three-night crusade. Such an outreach has the potential of bringing more people into the community of believers and changing lives for eternity.
Training and Encouragement
Along with several weeks of kids camp during the summer we will also be conducting training workshops for those serving in children’s ministry. On a regular basis we visit churches to teach the children how they can help people locally and around the world. We encourage them as we share how they can be a powerful tool in the hands of God as missionaries to their community.
Although we make the plans it is God that directs our steps. Be in prayer that as we plan, God will open the doors and direct our steps so that we see his purpose revealed in all we do for Him.