One of my favorite times of the year is when I am able to direct an event that brings kids from all over our district together to share their gifts and talents with others. Kids come prepared to present human video, puppets, dramas, short sermons, poetry, photography, vocal, instrumentals and so much more.
Kids-N-Ministry (KNM) is an opportunity for kids to present their gifts and talents before the Lord and a panel of coaches in a safe and encouraging environment. They are evaluated and given suggested on how to improve. They are evaluated on their individual skills and are not competing against one another. It is a time of discovery for some kids as they step out and try different ministry gifts. Kids come filled with excitement and joy as they anticipate their time to share. They get to watch other kids in their area of gifting and often times go back to their church and want to try themselves.
It is so important to give kids an opportunity to discover who God has created them to be. We have to provide opportunities for them to use their gifts and talents and to encourage them to minister to people around them. If we are going to see healing in a people that have turned from Christ we must entrust ministry to our children. They will impact their families, communities and the world if given a place of value and importance.
1Tim. 4:12 “Don‚Äôt let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.”
Let us all be the ones to encourage our children and strengthen them in their faith as they step out into the world to reach people with the love and forgiveness that only Christ can give.