I never imagined that my training could send someone into a laughing hysteria, but it did!
At one point in the training Paul began laughing so hard he couldn’t stop. He was laughing so hard his head began to turn a purplish red, if that’s a color. It’s my firm belief that as christians we should be prepared and ready to have fun with the Lord. That Saturday was proof that serving Christ brings joy and happiness beyond anyone’s understanding. I was blessed to be part of what God was doing in the teachers at Ohio Valley Christian Center. We began with the topic “The Disciple making Teacher” to making ballon dogs to challenging everyone to make a difference in the lives of the people they are blessed enough to teach.
God commands all of us to be teachers, to go and teach¬†all people of His ways. (Matthew 28:19-20) As a teacher we are continuing the work that Jesus began while He was here on earth. We are following in His footsteps and¬†doing the exact same thing He did, teach others. There is no greater call than to do what Jesus himself did. I was impressed with the heart of the people that represented the teachers of OVCC. You could tell that these people truly wanted to impact their community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the heart that we all must have if we want to hear God say “Well done good and faithful servant”.
I so enjoy the people that I meet as I travel throughout the United States. It is my desire to see them stand firm on the rock of Christ as they evangelize. I am humbled to be part of training, resourcing, encouraging and empowering people to reach the world with the message of God’s love and forgiveness. May we continue to see lives changed as a result of people like those at OVCC.