You’ve reached our boring donate page. To spice it up I’m including pictures of gourmet donuts.
Do-nut forget to give. Get it?
Now, let’s get serious.
Your generous donations and monthly support allow us to remain on the mission field and intentionally reach our community kids with the good news about Jesus and his amazing love and forgiveness.
The easiest way to Give Now or Setup a recurring gift is through the US Missions page.
If you and computers don’t get along, contact me directly and I’ll help figure out the best way for you to give.
- Donate though our account with US Missions. Visit our US Missions page , scroll to the bottom and choose the option that best describes how you would like to donate.
- Faith Promises
Complete a Faith Promise form online to become a monthly supporter. My ‘Donor’s Account Number’ is 2682078. - Check or money order
Make check or money order out to: Terry Williams/iRock Ministries
And mail to: 4015 Forrest School Rd, Smithsburg, MD 21783 - Phone: 301.416.0568 and we’ll take your credit card information over the phone.
Special Projects
God has been growing our ministry allowing us to provide more opportunities for people to become involved in the work of the ministry. Becoming involved takes on many shapes and forms. It is our desire to give you opportunity to share the gospel with children through our various projects and to help us with specific needs.
1. Homes of Hope is part of iRock Ministries. Through the eyes of a child we realized a real need to help give families a chance to raise their children in an environment where they can thrive and feel secure. By providing a hand up to those currently living in homes that are unsafe, we are showing them how God cares and provides for His children through the generosity of others.
If you would like to donate online to supplies and building materials click here.
2. Ministry in a Box is a kit that is used to train those serving in children’s ministries. The kit includes several illusions, game book, Children’s Ministry Manual, puppets, Faith Case and Mega Ministry Camp curriculum and more. With this kit we can help develop a new ministry or provide the tools needed to revitalize an existing ministry. The kit is then left with the church to assist them in their ministry. Each kit costs approximately $350. We would love to have 6 kits at this time.
If you would like to donate online to help supply ministry kits click here.
Download and complete the Special Target Form. Send the form along with your donation to BGMC 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield MO 65802. Be sure to indicate the amount next to my name and #020442-0.
3. Equipment Currently we are in need of some equipment including a portable sound system, microphones and projection unit at a cost of approximately $2800.
If you would like to donate online to help provide necessary equipment to our ministry click here.
Download and complete the Special Target form. Send the form along with your donation to BGMC 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield MO 65802