Who is God? What type of a being is he? We are told that he is a loving God, and that he is just, but what does that really mean? We are constantly telling kids (and people in general) that they need to ask God for forgiveness, and that they should love Jesus, but do they even understand who he is? I often wondered why God created us and what worth we really had. I always thought that God needed us to worship him, but I never understood why. Why would an all powerful god who has always existed and will always exist, need us? And why does he need us to worship him? I never understood why we existed and I never felt truly important (after all there are 7 billion people on earth, if we are all “special,” then none of us are truly special at all, at least that’s how I viewed it) until I understood who God is. God is a being dependent on relationship. He is three in one, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He has always been in relationship, and he thrives on it. But this is where it hit me. God never needed any of us. He’s not some (narcissist) sociopath who needs us to worship him to feel important. God was perfectly awesome without us, and never needed to create us. But he wanted to. Love is his being, it’s who he is, and because of this he wanted to create us so that he could share his love with others. His love, his relationship is the most amazing thing ever to exist, and because of who he is he wanted someone else to experience it. Which is why he made us, he didn’t create us to serve him, or to suffer through life. God created us so that we would get a chance to experience the most awesome thing to ever be, his love, his relationship. It’s important to teach people to love God and to seek him out, but until they realize in their own hearts who God truly is, they won’t want to.
Written by Joe Ernst