When God was opening doors for ministry possibilities, He introduced me to Joe and Jen Butler, founders of Ability Tree. Over the next 12 months God paved the way for our ministry to partner with theirs during Ability Camp, designed for adults 18 and up with physical and/or intellectual disabilities. As a team we had no idea what to expect and when we volunteered to do whatever was needed we were asked to oversee organized recreation and special activities. Organized recreation seemed pretty straight forward, but what was involved in special activities? Come to find out we were in charge of “FUN”. God had placed us exactly where our team was gifted. Between a campfire and s’mores, bingo night, a talent show, Olympic themed party and a movie night, we provided the atmosphere for these special campers to experience the freedom to enjoy a week of activities, social interaction, and the opportunity to connect with God. Check out the videos posted on Vimeo Ability Tree to see more of what took place that week as we spent time with each other and with Jesus.